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Party and mass work


Lihe Group held a "umbrella" special struggle to promote the black and evil

On the afternoon of April 16, the Lihe Group held a special struggle to promote the "umbrella" against crime and evil。Members of the group's leading team, directly under the company, district and county companies, grassroots enterprise party organization secretary, deputy secretary, in charge of discipline inspection work of the main leaders and security department heads, functional departments of the Group headquarters a total of more than 40 people attended the meeting。Xing Zhiyou, member of the Party Committee and chairman of the trade union, presided over the meeting。


The main task of the meeting is,深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于扫黑除恶专项斗争的重要指示精神和中央、全市、国资系统扫黑除恶专项斗争的有关工作要求,Firmly establish the "Four consciousness",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Closely combined with the actual production and management of enterprises,Rely on the broad masses of workers,Effectively crack down on the crime of deterring evil forces,Effectively eliminate the breeding ground and "protection umbrella" of evil forces,To ensure the steady progress of the Group's mixed ownership reform and various work。    

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Comrade Zhang Qingxin, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Group, proposed to fully understand the importance and urgency of the special fight against crime and evil for guaranteeing the reform of state-owned enterprises, effectively increase the fight offensive, strengthen responsibility, and ensure that the "umbrella" fight against crime and evil is solid and effective。First, we need to strengthen organizational leadership。The group set up a leading group headed by the secretary of the Party Committee to eradicate evil "umbrella" work, and Party organizations at all levels should also set up corresponding organizations to seriously fulfill the main responsibilities, and implement them at all levels to ensure that the fight against evil is in place。Strictly implement the theater system, the requirements of the chief officer, the secretary of the Party Committee (General branch) should fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person, truly put on the battle, stand at the forefront of the war, personally deploy, personally guide, carefully analyze the situation of the anti-black and evil struggle, study the deployment work, and ensure that the anti-black and evil struggle is carried out in a solid and orderly manner。Second, we need to strengthen publicity。Publicity and education activities around the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" law popularization and anti-corruption,We should actively publicize policies,Strengthen public opinion guidance,We will promote the legal education of eradicating gang crimes into enterprises, workshops and teams,To educate and guide cadres and workers to fully understand the importance of the work of eradicating gang-related crimes,Consciously support and take the initiative to participate in the special campaign against gang-related crimes,Mobilize the masses,Give full play to the advantages of the masses,Fight this people's war well,It is necessary to set up a report mailbox, open an online report platform, and open a report telephone,Smooth reporting channels,Collect clues about the crimes committed by the evil forces,Through internal information, briefings, corporate official website, wechat public number, small TV and other carriers,Wall-to-wall propaganda and publicity,Get the whole corporate system moving,Forming a strong momentum to eradicate evil and black evil forces everyone shouted a strong atmosphere。Third, we must strengthen supervision and promotion。In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee and the municipal SASAC Party Committee, the Group's anti-gang "umbrella" special struggle leading group will supervise and inspect the work of all units under the group, promote the implementation of the situation, and report information。Step up efforts to pursue responsibility and accountability, and if the rectification measures are unfavorable to the problems involved in crime and evil, they should be rectified within a time limit through interviews and other means。Due to improper work, unfavorable work, incomplete rectification, inaction and lack of responsibility, the evil forces to do big things, serious impact on the problem, the existence of problems and not found, or found that the problem is not dealt with and not reported, will be seriously accountable to the relevant responsible personnel in accordance with the law and discipline, and seriously dealt with。

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